Tuesday, August 9, 2016


Last week was quite interesting on Nigeria's social media space. It started with a video of Pastor Adeboye telling his followers not to marry a woman that can neither cook nor pray for one straight hour. The question that has been on my mind is: does that mean God is deaf? What parent makes their child beg (for one hour) for something they know the child needs? The truth is that prayers, besides making the believer to feel good about themselves, are an absolute waste of time. They do not grow the economy or an amputated limb. Youth unemployment is at an all time high despite our regular night vigils, prayers and supplications - it is evident that a God who is interested in human welfare does not exist. If He did, malaria and cancers will not kill millions of children whilst He preoccupies Himself with consensual sex between homosexual couples.
In our country, pastors are marriage counsellors, psychotherapists, psychiatrists and financial advisers all at once even though they are not appropriately trained for these roles. They tell women to go back to their violent husbands because, according to them, divorce is a sin against God. Many a woman has lost her life because of this advice. People like Adeboye are so influential anything they say is taken as the literal truth. Sadly, his comments portray a man who is out of touch with the realities of modern family life. More and more women are now in employment and some of them are the main providers for their families. Marriage is now regarded as a partnership rather than as a master-servant relationship. Some of the most celebrated chefs in western cultures are men - what is wrong with teaching our boys and young men to cook for themselves? Adeboye has similarly instructed his female followers not to marry men without jobs. But what happens when a man loses his job - should his wife divorce him? 
I feel sorry for the people who think God speaks through this man or through any man at all.
If you want incontrovertible evidence that religion cannot reform the world, then consider the degree of theft and corruption in Nigeria. These problems have become endemic even though practically every Nigerian is a practising Muslim or Christian.
Nigerian pastors have acquired a taste for private jets - ostensibly to reach the parts of the world that need the gospel of Jesus, except that they avoid such places as Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia and Iraq. Charity begins at home - it is senseless to run off to put out the fire in your neighbour's house when your own house is up in flames.
Nigerians and their country are in dire need of salvation from endemic corruption. It is evident that religion cannot tranform our nation because as our religious devotions have increased, so have our corrupt ways.
Pastor Adeboye and his other pastopreneur friends need to sell off their jets, repent of their lies, stop robbing their church members through emotional blackmail, and give back what they have stolen. Their message has failed.
Adeboye's gaffes were followed by the news that the Nigerian government is going to subsidise pilgrimage to Mecca by granting Muslims concessionary exchange rate.
That is almost N8 billion for an exercise that does not benefit our economy. Many businesses are failing, parents are struggling to send their children to school, our hospitals are poorly resourced but that is how our government chooses to spend N8 billion. And believers wonder why we cannot stop talking about religion. There would be no use to criticise religion if it is removed from public space and kept as a private matter. It is wrong for the government to use tax payer's money to subsidise religious rituals.
The week ended with the RCCG convention where Adeboye makes his usual wild claims but says nothing of consequence about our nation. Our Vice President and a professor of law, Yemi Osibanjo, who also happens to be a pastor in the Redeemed Church watched on as Adeboye went to town with his preposterous claims. For a man who claims to have resurrected dead people, cured all kinds of diseases and driven a car without feel, you would think Adeboye would have told Vice President Osibanjo by now where to locate the abducted Chibok girls, right? But no, another RCCG convention has ended and not a word about their whereabout. When Adeboye claims that his car drives without fuel or that he has resurrected dead people and there's a medical doctor, engineer, architect, research fellow, PhD holder or a professor in the congregation who believes this fantasy then I feel grief and have great concern for the education system that has nurtured such people.
Religion has caused more harm than it has done good to African societies. Without a doubt, Adeboye and his fellow pastopreneurs have been responsible for the corruption in the way a generation of Nigerians think. But judging by the reactions to his sermon on social media, I think it is safe to say that the scales are starting to fall off the eyes of believers. I believe that pastor Adeboye will think twice now before re-telling his favourite story of how his car drives without fuel. I am thankful for the Internet and how it has placed knowledge at the fingertips (literally) of ordinary people. I pay tribute to fellow secularists for their unrelenting effort to liberate the minds of our people from the shackles of religion. Despite my grief, I feel hopeful about the future.

Ijabla is a medical doctor. He writes from the UK and can be contacted at: ijabijay@me.com


Some of us have been shouting that religion is a total scam and fraud aimed at the gullible, vulnerable, and desperate miracle hunters who can do anything at the mention of God or Jesus name. And those who call themselves men of God are nothing but self accredited con Men and scam artists under the cover of God, and graciously the statement accredited to the General Overseer of Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) now serve as a credible vindication.

Pastor Enoch Adejare Adeboye is one of the most successful Private Jet Generation of Pastors in Nigeria, with his church branches scattered all over the world. He is equally engaged in building a three kilometer Church Auditorium worth Billions of Naira all to the glory of God. His sermons and preaching are always coated and garnished with prosperity, healing and deliverance. And to showcase his absolute closeness to God, he gave a testimony claiming that during a time of fuel scarcity that he drove from Ore to Lagos on empty fuel tank, which received a thunderous applause from his gullible members who usually call him Daddy. The distance from Ore to Lagos is more than 250 km and that is how mighty Pastor Adeboye’s God can be at the time of need.

According to Sam Eyoboka and Olayinka Latona of Vanguard Newspaper reported on the 1st day of August 2016 Pastor Adeboye admonished all the Pastors taking care of his numerous branches not to grow beards. Adeboye said that " I dont want to see any of my Pastors looking like fellows from the training camps of Al-Qaeda" He also decreed that anybody who brings tribalism into the church should either LEAVE the church immediately or will soon die like Annanais and Sapphira. 

This categorical statement that the Pastors must leave the Church if they disobey him shows that the Pastors are not really called to work for God but as ordinary employees of Adeboye helping him to defraud more people to maintain his private jets and his off the scale vanity lifestyle. And as such Adeboye can hire and fire Pastors who are generally considered to be working for God not man.
The 74-year General Overseer also "enjoined all pastors in the church to regularly do a MEDICAL CHECK UP to avoid UNNECESSARY AND SUDDEN DEATHS that can be avoided if the proper thing is done". 

This is the very statement that will make it very clear to all his deluded followers that they have been wasting their time and money for nothing. This is a Church known for its miracle peddling stories, healing and other irrational nonsense. Any time this Church want to organize crusade or other church programmes they will print their banners showing cripples that usually throwaway their wheelchairs, mad people that regained their senses, and even HIV positive patients showing their new negative medical results after being miraculously healed by God through the Pastors. 
And if these miracles are real, the question that must be answered is this, are the Pastors exempted from the miracles? How can Pastors be going for regular medical checkup when they are the people directing God to perform the miracles for their gullible church members? 
It is obvious that the Pastors rely on the tithe, offerings and donations from desperate miracle seekers to survive, and the implication of this is that the poor church members will converge and give money to the Church so that the Pastors can use part of it for their Medical checkup, while the gullible members will go home with their bad health condition thinking that they have received miracles. I cant imagine the number of people that are dying every day because they go to church to seek for miracles instead of going to hospitals for proper medication.
 Most people even go to hospital when they are half dead after wasting their time in the churches thereby preventing early detection and eventual treatment. Since Adeboye is advising his Pastors to go for regular medical checkup is he also making fund available for other indigent Church members who cannot afford the money for medical checkup to do so? It can be inferred that only members of Adeboye's family, Pastors and  friends that rely on the Medical experts for regular checkup while the rest must come to the Church for miracles. And i dont need to be a Prophet to know that Adeboye is equally going for his regular medical checkup. Why are they deceiving people about miracles?
Pastor Adeboye also gave marriage advice to members of his church “don’t ever marry outside the church and YOU HAVE NO REASON TO MARRY OUTSIDE RCCG. The reason is that if you are both from the same church even when trouble comes it is easier for the pastors to handle it! 

“Don’t marry a girl simply because she can sing! In the choir there are some people that can sing but they are fallen angels! Marry a prayer warrior! If A GIRL CANNOT PRAY FOR ONE HOUR, DON’T MARRY HER".
“Don’t marry a girl who is lazy! DON’T MARRY A GIRL WHO CANNOT COOK, she needs to know how to do chores and cook because you cannot afford to be eating out all the time" All these are divine instructions and marriage advice from God as revealed by Pastor Adeboye. What baffles me is how people can take this rubbish from self appointed parasites who claim to be working for God.

Finally, the General Overseer also announced the establishment of an Investigation Committee to assist the mission on issues bordering on security". This is laughable because if the Church of God can have security problems to the point of setting up a committee i wonder why they keep telling people that God will protect them in their various families when the church of God itself is not secured. I think it is very reasonable to conclude that Christianity is a total fraud and scam, all for the benefit of the clergy, to the glory of God and to the horrible disadvantage of the gullible followers. Religion will always be a force for evil and until we abolish it, we will never know peace till "Jesus" returns!