I never had any conflict between faith and science. In fact, the man
who told me about the Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses was the one who
taught me Physics and Chemistry.
Francis Osora Ezengige was the first genius I knew. He was two years
ahead of me in high school. During long vacation when he visited Nnobi,
he spent his time teaching science to my friends and me. He explained to
me why a piece of yam changed color when cut and left in the open. Long
before he made 2nd Class upper division in Engineering at UNN, he had
explained to me why supersonic planes went far before we heard the
sound. Francis knew the answers to all of life’s intriguing questions.
Then one day, we watched Michael Jackson’s Thriller on TV. After the
performance, he said to me, “You see, white people indulge in voodoo,
too,” I was stunned. His words devastated me. How could he believe in
science and in voodoo, too?
For a couple of days, I suffered from the confusion of that
knowledge. Then, a few weeks after, we watched “The Making of Thriller.”
It explained how the music video was made. The making of Thriller took
the thrill out of Thriller. The making of the Bible does the exact
opposite. It humbles my assumptions.
While many Christians believe that the bible is the word of God, free of errors, the truth is a lot different.
With recent archeological, linguistic and literary discoveries, new
insights are emerging on the making of the Bible. Africans typically do
not want to invest in this kind of study because they fear that it
threatens Christian religion itself. For a book on which basis you
decide what is right and what is wrong; what you hate and what you love;
and where you go after it is all over, one would have thought that
everyone would be interested in knowing how the book came into
existence. But that’s not the case.
In his book, “Who Wrote the Bible?” Richard Elliott Friedman
outlines problems in the biblical texts. Several contradictions led to
questions about the authorship of the Bible. In Books said to have been
written by Moses, Moses tells the story of kings who lived after him. In
one it says that Moses is going to a Tabernacle and later in the book
it says that someone builds a Tabernacle. How do you go to a Tabernacle
before you build one? In one of Moses’ books, it is said that Moses is
the humblest man on earth. Moses will not say that Moses is the humblest
man on earth. We also read the account of Moses’ death in a Book
written by Moses. So how can Moses tell of his own death?
Friedman noted that investigations of the Bible have brought
science, religion and secularity into conflict. In the past, books that
challenged the authorship of the bible were banned and burned. Authors
were excommunicated and some even killed. Adherers argue that the Bible
is divinely dictated, revealed and inspired. Whether the Bible should
be interpreted literally, figuratively or symbolically, have
far-reaching implications for many. So are questions of whether it is
fiction, history or non-fiction?
Whether one’s interest in the Bible is religious, literary or
historical, Friedman stated, knowing who wrote it and when it was
written is important. An author’s life and time reflects the world the
author depicts. It is virtually impossible to understand the text of the
books in the Bible without an understanding of who the author was. The
story by a witness of an event differs from the one written by someone
with a second hand source. The author’s experience and event of his life
influence the story he tells and how he tells it.
The Hebrew Bible that forms the basis of the Christian Old Testament
is a compilation of books on the Jewish laws, the prophets and the
writings. The first five books were attributed to Moses, as the author.
Biblical scholars have since determined that Moses could not have
written the 5th book. More likely, they were written by several people.
Irrespective of who wrote them, scholars believe that the books retold
what had been transmitted for generations through oral tradition. To
understand how diverse the books were, imagine putting together as a
book, Things Fall Apart, The Man Died, Labyrinth with Path of Thunder,
Eze Goes to School, Palmwine Drinkard, Efuru, There Was A Country and
Heavensgate, amongst others.
Here is a summary of the history of the bible as recorded in various
encyclopedias –Americana, Britannica, Catholic, New World etc, based on
books by numerous scholars in the last four centuries.
The Hebrew Bible came about when a committee came together to select
texts from writings that survived the destruction of Jerusalem. These
were writings the Jewish committee best believed would guide them in the
observation of their religion. The Hebrew Bible is arranged in such a
way that it ends with the Israelites returning to Jerusalem. The Old
Testament of the Christian Bible ends with Malachi. The poetry of Isaiah
did not refer to Jesus. But Christians interpreted it to mean a
reference to the coming of Jesus Christ. Jews on the other hand rejected
that interpretation. In some bible editions, the book of Esther did not
mention God at all. It is one of those books now considered a
historical novella that was not written to represent actual events.
The Hebrew Bible does not have the New Testaments in it. The New
Testament was written in a 70-year period by several authors. All the
authors were Jewish except for Luke. Paul, Peter, John and James wrote
most of the epistles to the new churches on how to live and worship God.
As the early church grew, church leaders began the process of selecting
from numerous epistles and accounts of what would be the canon of the
new Christian religion. At the end of the 2nd century, only 20 books
were accepted for inclusion in the New Testament. The Revelation was
rejected. The full 27 books in the New Testament were adopted at the
synods of Hippo Regius in 393 and Carthage in 397.
Books like the Acts of John, and the Acts of Peter written by John’s
companion were called apocryphal acts. Early church leaders saw them as
texts not divinely inspired. Some were rejected because their
authenticity was regarded as questionable.
What is accepted as canon by each church depends on the translation
from which the particular church picked their books. The early
Christians depended on the Septuagint. This was the first translation of
the Hebrew Bible into Greek. In AD 382, Pope Damasus called a Council
of Rome that put together the first list of books of the Christian
Bible. Saint Jerome put together the texts in Latin. In 1546, the Church
declared this Bible the only authentic Bible.
During the Protestant Reformation led by Martin Luther, Ulrich
Zwingli and John Calvin, a debate about what books to be included in the
Protestant Bible ensued. The Protestants took out from the Septuagint,
books that were not in the Hebrew Bible. While Catholics called these
books deuterocannonical book, Protestants called them Apocrypha. So the
Protestants have 39 books in their Old Testaments while the Catholics
have 46. The Catholic Bible has several books that are not in the
Protestant bible. Books like Tobit, Judith, Maccabees, Wisdom of
Solomon, Sirach, Baruch, Susanna, Bel and the Dragon, The Prayer of
Azariah and Song of the Three Holy Children. The Greek and Russian
Orthodox Churches recognize other books like Prayer of Manasseh, Esdras,
3 Maccabees and Psalm 151. In the New Testament, the Christian churches
are in agreement on the final 27 books that made it. But Catholic
churches accept doctrines from other books that did not make it into the
Bible scholars generally regard most of the books as a work of
literature and not historical documents. For instance, the Exodus from
Egypt and emigration to the Promised Land is not considered historical.
There are no archeological and historical evidence to support that.
Those who try to tell the story of the bible risk being seen as
nonbelievers who intend to heap scorn on the believers. Bible does not
mean God. The word, Bible, means little library. It indicates that it is
a collection of books written by several people. In fact, a modern day
analogy is the Wikipidia. Many of the books were written and rewritten
by many people before it came to this final copy that we have today.
Because the bible was not written like most books of today, and
because several books in the bible were written under different contexts
and with different purposes in mind, there is a problem when we read
the bible like a regular book. A lot of the things in the bible are not
meant to be taken literally.
“The question all along was not who inspired the Bible?’ Or ‘Who
revealed the Bible?” Friedman wrote, “The question was only which human
being actually composed it? Whether they did so at divine direction,
dictation or inspiration was always a matter of faith.”
If God had wanted, he could have dropped a definitive manual on how
to live from heaven. But he didn’t. And because he didn’t, man did.
By Rudolf Ogoo Okonkwo (Credit to Sahara Reporters)
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