I've been trying to work out how the Noah family collected all the animals for ark in seven days. I think I've figured it out.
They divided the world up by continents. There are seven continents counting North and South America separately. My guess is Japheth took Australia/Oceana and his wife took Asia; Shem took Africa and his wife did Europe; Ham and his wife took North and South America respectively. That leaves the continent with the fewest animals, Antarctica for 600 year-old Noah himself--it's a smaller job and, at his age, he probably wouldn't feel the cold too much.
Noah's wife, Naamah, probably worked point from the ark to control everything. To get the job done in time, she would have needed to employ satellite imaging to find the animals and IsatPhones to communicate worldwide with her collection teams.
Naamah would have direct access to a master database of animals and would check them off as they were collected. This was a precision operation--if she missed one animal, it would be lost forever--God was out of the creation business!
Obviously, having the animals leg it back to the ark was a non-starter; they must have used transport. In fact, transport would have been the biggest problem, with vast distances to cover, huge loads and very little time.
These vehicles must have been enormous. There would be no time for multiple collect-and-return-to-base trips. To get an idea of size, think in terms of 75 railroad stock cars for each vehicle.
I'm guessing they used hyperdrivemobiles, with anti-gravity fields capable of hovering above land and sea. At the enormous multi-mach speeds necessary to achieve this task human control would have been impossible. Here I'm thinking GPS systems, directly linked to Naamah's database with radar and ultrasonic collision avoidance for day and night operation.
A suitable power source must have been a real headache. Nothing short of a fusion reactor would have the capacity and power for the job. So that's it. Job done.
This is one in the eye for naysayers who bleat that this job was impossible. All the technology necessary is ALREADY IN USE TODAY (or will be soon), so it is completely feasible. And, if humans can invent these things, they would be trivial for God.
All you need is a little faith.
By Bill Flavell
What baffles me is how people still believe this kind of story in this 21st Century